WWII “Attack on Sydney” Art Exhibition
The Festival of Mosman has provided locals and guests at The Oriana with much to see and do. One of the events offered, which proved very popular with both history buffs and art lovers, was a special exhibition by the internationally acclaimed artist, Ken Done.
The “Attack” exhibition tells the story, through 15 paintings of the attack on Sydney when five ocean going Japanese submarines lay off the coast while three midget submarines entered Sydney Harbour on the night in May 1942.

The set of paintings are not glorifying war or vilifying a former enemy, but are culturally sensitive exploring concepts of empire, self-sacrifice, death, destruction and honour.

Although the Attack was thwarted, sailors’ lives lost on both sides, the midget submarines were destroyed.

The following photograph taken from The Oriana this week has echoes of that night 80 odd years ago. The rising sun on the horizon is reminiscent of the rising sun on the Japanese flag but this time the warship off the Heads is Australian.