Children’s Rock Pool Edward’s Beach Balmoral

Children’s Rock Pool Edward’s Beach Balmoral

Just to the left of The Oriana is the tidal sandy bottom rock pool known as the Clem Morath Pool, named after a local identity who taught swimming over a period of 30 to 40 years to around 3000 local children.

The 45m long pool began its life as a little semi enclosed wading pool formed between rocky outcrops.  You can still see part of the original rocky outcrop behind the present pool and it is home to some amazing rock sea life, which you can view if you walk along the current sandstone wall.

The sandstone wall was constructed in the 1920s to provide a safe swimming enclosure where Mosman families could enjoy the water and children learn to swim. My three boys learned to swim in the pool. Fifty years ago children could dive off the wall at high tide and it was deep enough for adults to swim.

In recognition of the dedication of Clem Morath to the teaching of local children, the pool was given the official name Clem Morath Pool in 1989 by Mosman Council and a plaque commemorating the event attached to the wall. Unfortunately, the plaque is no longer there.

A number of large East Coast Lows in the late 20th century saw the force of the water push some of the sandstone blocks into the pool and the sand to build up. Various attempts were made to rectify the integrity of the wall by the Council. The design of the wall was changed which actually exacerbated the problems.  In 2012 a huge storm sent towering waves, destroying the recently completed new design, silting the pool further.

Roy Bendall had recently been elected Deputy Mayor. He campaigned for a breakwater to be built outside the existing wall and since then the wall has withstood all mother nature could throw at it.

The pool still provides a wonderful safe environment where young children first learn their love of the water.